Tuesday, August 11, 2015

5 NEW Coach Spots OPEN!

So excited to announce I have 5 NEW TEAM spots open! 😱

Why not YOU? I became a coach a few months after starting my own journey to originally just keep myself accountable and on a good path health and fitness wise. I was feeling unhappy and unhealthy after having after baby #2 in 2 years and I wanted to feel like myself again...not to mention comfortable in my own skin. I did the gym thing for years then life happened and I eventually stopped going. I've done all sorts of "diets" like weight watchers, and while I had some success, I still wasn't happy with where I was. I finally started with a 30 min a day workout in July of 2013 along with Shakeology just once a day and after 10 weeks was down about 10 pounds and many inches! I couldn't believe it, then I hit 20 lbs down and finally had some muscles again! 💪 It took me a bit to realize that my story may help others who were just like me get started on their own journey! I thought ok, why can't I do this? Why not help other women (and yes men too) feel good about themselves and love their lives again? I can at least try! And try is just what I did! 👊

I started sharing my personal story with others in hopes to inspire just ONE person. Honestly that is how this business WORKS, by being YOU, being REAL and giving your all to helping other women and men reach their own goals...we help people get healthier and happier every single day.

Just because I am a Coach, a lot of people think I never have a cheat meal or slip up but I'm just like everyone else and I need help too! It's OKAY that you didn't follow the plan perfect, you can STILL reach your goals. Small changes on a daily basis add up to significant changes over time.

If you are still reading...thanks!! 😁

When I first started I had a full time job as a Marketing Manager, while I loved my job and the people I worked with, I didn't love the stress that came with being a full time working Mom of two little kids. Rushing out of the house every morning, rushing out of work to pick the kids up, rushing to make dinner, baths, bed time for kids. There was never any time to actually spend with my kids and that made me sad! Since having kids it was Aways a goal of mine to be able to be home with them like my mom was for me and my siblings growing up. This "job" has provided me that freedom. Freedom to be home with them each day while still contributing to he household income. Since leaving my full time job just over a year ago I have more than TRIPLED my full time income...from home...mostly in my yoga pants and tank with two of the most important little people in my life. <3

I never imagined I'd love this "job" as much as I do and I never ever imagined the financial freedom it would give my family and I. I want to help other families have this same financial freedom. Many of my coaches are on their way to this same financial freedom that I've been so lucky to be blessed with this last year. I only have 5 spots open at this time. Are you ready to change your life? Your families life? Ready to make an impact on others lives? I'm ready to show you what's possible...from home...with freedom to live life your way. Shoot me a message, email me at iannuzzi.jennifer@gmail.com or fill out this Application to secure your spot on my fast growing team. 

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